
Poor customer experiences are costing governments votes, according to new research.

By Qualtrics

March 16, 2022

QR check-ins. Online schooling. Vaccine rollouts. The pandemic has forever changed the way residents interact with government agencies, and what they expect from them too.

Failure to live up to these new expectations and demands could negatively impact outcomes within government agencies – from votes through to attracting and retaining talent – according to Qualtrics “Experience Management for Government” report.

Based on responses from more than 1,800 Australians and New Zealanders, the study looks at how the relationships between residents and government agencies are changing two-years on from the start of the pandemic, and the outcomes this is driving. The study also features insights from people applying for jobs in the public sector to help government agencies navigate today’s competitive job market.

1) Residents will be voting with their feelings

As government agencies continue to modernise and expand their digital services to meet changing resident behaviours, there’s a lot on the line for the public sector to get the experience right.

Just over half of Australians and New Zealanders (53 per cent) said their experiences of interacting with government services directly affect how they vote, with 25 per cent saying it has a significant impact.

In particular, people wanted to see customer service, communications, and ease of use for products and services improved the most.

2) Continued digital transformation must have CX at its heart

A third of respondents said they are more satisfied when using digital platforms to access government services, and 48 per cent said they now expect to use digital most of the time.

Government agencies managing health (including Covid tracing and vaccination status), transport, and services currently achieve the highest volumes of residents satisfied with the experiences being delivered. They are also the top listed agencies residents prefer to engage with through mobile and online channels, further highlighting the impact of a positive digital experience.

This data suggests people will be receptive to the adoption of additional digital services and paves the way for the design of new experiences to find information and provide inclusive access.

“Following two years of rapid digital transformation within all industries, residents have high expectations for the services being delivered. This requires a shift in how government agencies manage their programs, with a critical need to rapidly uncover opportunities and take immediate action to improve the services being delivered. We are already seeing some government agencies make progress in these new environments, and it will ultimately lead to better outcomes for all involved – from greater trust through to a rise in inclusive citizen access to programs and initiatives.”
Phillip Bland, Industry Advisor for Public Sector Solution Strategy, Qualtrics.

3) Experience affects policy uptake

Two-thirds of respondents in the study said the experience provided by government agencies, such as available information and booking systems, impacted their decision to get a Covid-19 vaccine.

For 26 per cent it had a significant impact on their decision.

For government agencies looking to ensure the success of policy roll outs, ensuring a simple, easy, and frictionless experience needs to be fundamental.

4) Public sector need to worry about the Great Resignation

Like many organisations right now, government agencies are in a race for talent.

Despite 86 per cent of public sector employees saying they are engaged at work, Qualtrics research shows almost 40 per cent of people in the public sector industry could quit their jobs in 2022.

To compound the problem, 38 per cent of respondents said public sector recruitment was below their expectations, and 12 per cent said they would not recommend people to apply for a job in the public sector. By capturing feedback from candidates throughout the process, government agencies can identify what’s working, what isn’t, and what can be done to drive continuous improvements.

5) Talent attraction and retention is driven by more than salary

The research showed salary isn’t the most important consideration for many job seekers.

For agencies wanting to attract and retain talent, hybrid environments, flexible working arrangements, and the opportunity to do meaningful work will be key. More than two-thirds of respondents said they would look for a new job if they were asked back to the office full-time (69 per cent), while the opportunity to do meaningful work, flexible working arrangements, and working with great people were the top reasons people would apply for a job in the public sector.

The entire employee and candidate experience should be considered and prioritised by the public sector given the impending talent “crunch”.

“Competition for new talent is rising, and in the public sector candidates and employees are also all residents. It’s therefore especially vital that the public sector gets the experience right for both groups, especially as we know negative experiences can have knock-on consequences. By understanding and delivering the types of experiences people want at work, government agencies will be in a stronger position to attract and retain a purpose driven high performing workforce”.

Phillip Bland, Industry Advisor for Public Sector Solution Strategy, Qualtrics.

As Federal, State and Local government agencies move beyond the pandemic and work with the public to recover financially and socially, expectations will continue to be high on the ability of public services to meet resident needs.

Government agencies will need to go beyond standard reporting numbers, such as budget spend, headcounts, transaction volumes or customer satisfaction scores.

Rather, government agencies need to be continuously capturing feedback to spot gaps in resident and employee experiences to uncover opportunities and to take immediate action.

Download the full report “Experience Management for Government” by Qualtrics now to get more detailed recommendations.

Download here.

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