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Research Series

Co-design: from expert to user-driven ideas in public service design

Co-design: from expert to user-driven ideas in public service design

  • Research Series

Co-design can address complex societal problems and drive innovation in the public sector. How can we shift public service design away from an expert-driven process towards enabling users as active and equal idea contributors? At a glance In paper for Public Management Review, Jakob Trischler (Karlstads University), Timo Dietrich (Griffith University) and Sharyn Rundle-Thiele (Griffith University) […]


When design meets power: design thinking, public sector innovation and the politics of policymaking

When design meets power: design thinking, public sector innovation and the politics of policymaking

  • Research Series

Responding to the need for innovation, governments have begun experimenting with ‘design thinking’ approaches to reframe policy issues and generate new policy solutions. But what is new about design thinking and how does it compares to rational approaches to policymaking? At a glance Jenny Lewis, Michael McGann and Emma Blomkamp (University of Melbourne) examine the […]

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