Movers & Shakers: Nine new branch heads at DCCEEW

By Anna Macdonald

May 4, 2023

M&S May 5, 2023
The latest senior public sector appointments from across the country.

The latest senior public sector appointments from across the country.

Senior Executive Service

Band 1

At the Department of Industry, Science and Resources, both Norelle Laucher and Jane Childs were appointed general managers.

Nine people were named branch heads at the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water:

Melissa Pang
  • Katherine Gowland
  • Glenn Block
  • Melissa Pang
  • Kelly Buchanan
  • Catherine Zerger
  • Vincent Consentino
  • Rangarajan Parimala
  • Rachel Burgess
  • Mahani Taylor

At Comcare, Louise Close was named general manager, legal.

Adam Harris became program manager, national disability data asset & office of the national data commissioner support branch at the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

At the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, Jason Preece was appointed assistant secretary.

National Museum of Australia director

The director of the National Museum of Australia Mathew Trinca will step down from the role at the end of this year.

Trinca has been in the role since 2013.

The director said it was time for a “refreshment of leadership”.

NSW valuer general

Sally Dale was appointed the new valuer general in NSW, the first woman in the role.

Dale’s experience includes a stint acting as the executive director of Valuer General NSW.

Starting the 12-month term on June 1, after which another recruitment process will take place for a statutory appointment of a valuer general. The statutory appointment would be for seven years.

Hunt underway for inaugural NSW rental commissioner

Recruitment has opened for the inaugural NSW rental commissioner.

The commissioner will be responsible for advocating for residential renters in the state.

According to the role’s LinkedIn job ad, the total remuneration package for the position is priced between $309,153 and $345,307.

NT police commissioner and CEO of fire and emergency services

Michael Murphy

Jamie Chalker retired as the Northern Territory police commissioner and CEO of fire and emergency services.

The retirement comes as the NT government and Chalker resolved a dispute in the Supreme Court.

Acting police commissioner Michael Murphy will act in Chalker’s roles while the recruitment for a permanent replacement is found.

Victor Dominello’s new role

Former NSW digital and customer service minister Victor Dominello will lead a new think tank on online trust and digital reformer.

The think tank is a joint venture between UTS and UNSW.

Read The Mandarin’s full coverage here.

NSW bus industry taskforce

Former CEO of the State Transit Authority John Lee will chair the new NSW Bus Industry Taskforce.

The taskforce will examine what improvements could be made to NSW’s bus services.

The rest of the taskforce consists of:

  • Matt Threlkeld, executive director of BusNSW
  • Joanna Quilty, CEO of NSW Council of Social Service
  • Darriea Turley, president of Local Government NSW
  • David Babineau, Rail Tram and Bus Union
  • Mick Pieri, Transport Workers Union

The taskforce is due to deliver its initial findings on July 10, an interim report on October 10 and a final report on May 1 2024.

National Capital Authority board member

Helen Lochhead

Professor Helen Lochhead was appointed for a five-year term to the board of the National Capital Authority.

Lochhead’s other board memberships include the Australian Heritage Council, chair of the Climate Action and Sustainability Committee of the Australian Institute of Architects, and non-executive directorship of the Council for Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat Australia.

She is also a former commissioner of the NSW Independent Planning Commission.

NT chief health officer

Dr Christine Connors was named the new chief health officer in the NT.

Connors was most recently executive director population and primary health care at the Top End Regional Health Service, a position she held for eight years.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Connors was responsible for the Remote Outbreak Management Plan.

Ex-gambling CEO to lead Racing Queensland

Jason Scott

Jason Scott, a former CEO of Ladbrokes Australia, was appointed as CEO of Racing Queensland.

Scott has most recently been based out of the United States as vice president trading, VIP and retail operations for BetMGM.

The new CEO said the state government had been “great supporters” of racing.

Privacy commissioner role separated once more

Attorney-general Mark Dreyfus announced the government has opened recruitment for a standalone privacy commissioner, a role previously held as a dual role by the Australian information commissioner Angelene Falk.

Falk will continue as an information commissioner and head of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

Further, Toni Pirani will act as freedom of information commissioner from May 20, replacing Leo Hardiman who resigned.

Read The Mandarin’s full coverage here.

Victorian emergency management commissioner retires

Andrew Crisp has resigned as the Victorian emergency management commissioner, finishing up on August 4 at the end of his five-year term.

Victorian emergency services minister Jaclyn Symes said she wished to sincerely thank Crisp for his commitment and dedication to the role.

“While this state has experienced some of the most turbulent times, Commissioner Crisp has been a calm, commanding and reassuring presence for Victorians,” Symes said.

“He has provided exceptional leadership and has delivered significant reform across the sector during his tenure.”

Former US ambassador Sinodinos’ new gig

Former Australian ambassador to the United States Arthur Sinodinos will chair the Australian practice arm of The Asia Group (TAG) as partner and chair.

TAG is a strategy and business advisory group for businesses looking to work in the trans-Pacific region.

The new Australian branch is based out of Sydney.

Acting deputy electoral commissioner in Victoria

Máiréad Doyle was appointed acting deputy electoral commissioner at the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC).

Doyle’s acting term is for three months or until a new commissioner is appointed.

Her prior role was as the executive director of corporate services at the VEC.

ABC head of drama, entertainment and Indigenous

Sally Riley, ABC head of drama, entertainment and Indigenous will depart the public broadcaster in July.

Riley had been with ABC since 2010 as the inaugural head of the Indigenous Department at ABC Televisions.

On her departure, Riley said she was proud of the work “the Bonner Committee has done in increasing the profile of First Nations people and content, both inside and outside the organisation”.

Timothy Bray

Gascoyne Development Commission CEO

In Western Australia, Timothy Bray was appointed the CEO of the Gascoyne Development Commission.

Bray had been the director of strategy and economics and deputy CEO at the Kimberley Development Commission.

The WA public sector commissioner recommended Bray for the role.

Victorian African Communities Committee

Pauline Richards, Victorian member for Cranbourne, was named chair of the advisory body Victorian African Communities Committee (VACC).

Its deputy co-chairs are Tigist Kebede and Monica Forson.

The rest of the membership is:

  • Selba-Gondoza Luka
  • Adongwot Manyoul
  • Tawana Basutu
  • Mahamed Ahmed
  • Dr Tebeje Molla
  • Fred Alale
  • Anaab Rooble
  • Andrew Gai
  • Dr Stephane Shepherd
  • Mohamed Semra
  • Catherine Jonathan

National Gallery of Australia Council reappointment

Helen Cook

Helen Cook was reappointed to the National Gallery of Australia Council for a third term.

The term will be Cook’s final one, having been on the board since 2018.

Arts minister Tony Burke said Cook’s expertise would mean the gallery was “well placed to protect, preserve and exhibit its valuable national collection for the benefit of all Australians”.

WA state solicitor

Dr Graham Hill was appointed the new state solicitor in Western Australia.

The experienced lawyer was most recently director and CEO of Legal Aid, a role he had held for five years.

Hill started in the role on May 29.

WA court appointments

There have been several appointments to the courts in Western Australia.

Two new judges were appointed to the WA Supreme Court: Natalie Whitby and Stephen Lemonis.

Justice Sam Vandongen was appointed a judge of the Court of Appeal.

At the District Court, state prosecutor Laura Christian and magistrate Wendy Hughes were appointed judges.

National School Reform Agreement ministerial reference group

Education minister Jason Clare listed the members of the National School Reform Agreement ministerial reference group, which he chairs.

There are 36 members by The Mandarin‘s count, which are:

  • Dianne Giblin – CEO, Australian Council of State School Organisations
  • Jenny Branch-Allen – president, Australian Parents Council
  • Andrea Obeyesekere – Catholic Schools Parents Association
  • Alana Moller – federal president, Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association
  • Andrew Pierpoint – president, Australian Secondary Principals Council
  • Sally Ruston – acting president, Australian Primary Principals Association
  • Matthew Johnson – national president, Australian Special Education Principals’ Association
  • Anne Keary – president, Australian Council of TESOL Associations
  • Correna Haythorpe – president, Australian Education Union
  • Kevin Bates – secretary, Australian Education Union
  • Meredith Peace – deputy president, Australian Education Union
  • Brad Hayes – federal secretary, Independent Education Union
  • Jacinta Collins – executive director, National Catholic Education Commission
  • Graham Catt – CEO, Independent Schools Australia
  • Doug Taylor – CEO, The Smith Family
  • Travers McLeod – executive director, Brotherhood of St. Laurence
  • Professor Linda Graham – director, QUT Centre for Inclusive Education
  • David Bromhead – Wellbeing EDvantage
  • Professor Maree Teesson – centre director, The Matilda Centre – University of Sydney
  • Dr Rory Gallagher/Professor David Halpern – Behavioural Insights
  • Skye Kakoschke-Moore – CEO, Children and Young People with Disability Australia
  • Hayley McQuire – CEO, National Indigenous Education Coalition
  • Christopher Wardlaw – deputy chair, non-executive director AITSL
  • Natalie Howson – chair, ACT Teacher Quality Institute
  • Professor Alan Reid – professor emeritus at the University of South Australia, and chair of the Public Education Advisory Committee
  • Adjunct Professor Susan Pascoe – adjunct professor at the University of Western Australia and chair of the Australian Council for International Development
  • Robyn Evans – president, NSW Primary Principals Association
  • Valerie Gould – former executive director, Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia
  • Professor Ruth Wallace – dean of College of Indigenous Futures, Arts and Society, and director of the Northern Institute, Charles Darwin University
  • Dr Regan Neumann – board of the Queensland College of Teachers
  • Dr Sally Milbourne – former president of Tasmanian Principals Association
  • Derek Scott – chair, Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority
  • Mark Grant – CEO, Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership
  • Fiona Nash – Regional Education Commissioner
  • Associate professor Jae Jung – director, GERRIC – University of New South Wales
  • Karen Batt – federal secretary, CPSU State Public Service Federation

More people will join the group, with teachers, principals, and student members to be announced later.

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