WA public service medals — Australia Day 2016

By David Donaldson

January 26, 2016

Three public servants from Western Australia were awarded Public Service Medals this Australia Day.

Below are the full official biographies for the awardees working for the Commonwealth, which accompanies the full national list of PSM winners.

The Public Service Medal recognises outstanding service by employees of the Australian government and state, territory and local government employees. ‘Outstanding service’ could be shown through:

  • service excellence to the public, or to external or internal clients;
  • innovation in programme, project or policy development;
  • leadership, including as a member of a team; or
  • the achievement of more efficient processes, improved productivity or better service delivery.

Mr Peter Douglas MOORE
16 Glencoe Road, Ardross WA 6153
For outstanding public service to the water industry in Western Australia.

Mr Moore has worked in the WA water industry for more than 40 years and has been heavily involved in developing water supplies and wastewater schemes to allow strong state growth to occur. In particular he has been at the forefront of transformations of water industry management and supply planning that have taken the state into a new era of growth impacted by climate change and reduced rainfall. He is one of the Water Corporation’s most senior executives, a skilled and highly experienced civil engineer with a strong track record in management and strategic planning, the benefits of which will serve the people of Western Australia well into the future. After entering the WA water industry in 1970, he made a long contribution to improving water supplies in Perth during the rapid growth years in the post-war period and following the 1960s iron ore boom. In 1995 he led a team that created the Water Corporation which commenced operating on 1 January, 1996, to change the way the state’s water industry is managed. He was appointed as its inaugural General Manager of Engineering and Contracts, later becoming GM Planning and Infrastructure before being appointed Chief Operating Officer in 2004. Over the past 15 years he has been a lead planner of water supplies to prepare the city and other parts of the south west for climate change that has greatly reduced rainfall and storages in dams. In doing so, WA’s water services planning and development has been transformed. He has been at the forefront of a new approach to water supply planning that has taken Perth away from its traditional reliance on dams and introduced sustainable new sources that are resilient to climate change. This has led to the Water Corporation being recognised internationally as one of the world’s leading water utilities and a pioneer in securing water supplies to address climate change. Principal new sources are two large scale and innovative seawater desalination plants, completed within 2004-2011. He headed up the design and construction of the plants that now provide almost half of Perth’s potable water needs. The next stage of sustainable source development is a large scale scheme to recharge Perth’s deep groundwater aquifers with highly treated wastewater for ‘banking’ and use later as needed for public supply – another ‘first’ for Australia. He led a highly successful three-year trial of the process which has now advanced to a full scale scheme currently under construction at Craigie. It will begin production in late 2016. The creation of the Water Corporation, by a team led by Mr Moore, was a massive exercise in change that is providing major long lasting benefits for the people of WA. He has strongly encouraged and led the Water Corporation’s development of partnering and alliancing with the private sector. He has also worked on the national water industry stage, having long been a member of the Australian Water Association, of which he was appointed President in 2015. Mr Moore is widely regarded as one of the most knowledgeable water industry executives in Australia today.

Mr Walter Bela MUNYARD
Subiaco WA 6008
For outstanding public service to legislative drafting in Western Australia.

Mr Munyard has provided outstanding public service to the community of Western Australia for exceptional work in the drafting of the State’s legislation and the provision of public access to it. He has been a legislative drafter in the Western Australian Parliamentary Counsel’s Office (PCO) since 1978 and has made a significant contribution to the development of the law of Western Australia through the many important and complex items of legislation that he has drafted. In both 1989 and 1991 he undertook a year’s assignment as a legislative drafting expert in Trinidad and Tobago, firstly for the United Nations and secondly for the Commonwealth Secretariat. On both occasions he drafted legislation for that jurisdiction and provided training to its local drafters. He was promoted to Deputy Parliamentary Counsel in 1996, and in January 2009 he was appointed to head the PCO as Parliamentary Counsel. In this role, he has led the PCO through a period of significant change in the way legislation is drafted and made publicly available. He has sponsored the development and implementation of a number of initiatives in the PCO that have contributed to greater efficiencies and timeliness in the drafting and publication of legislation. These have provided significant benefits to the government agencies that instruct the PCO to draft legislation, and to users of legislation, including members of Parliament, judges, lawyers and the general public. A key aspect of his career as a legislative drafter has been his active promotion of the adoption of information technology in both the drafting of legislation and providing public access to it. In 2010 he introduced new arrangements for the drafting by the WA PCO of Bills and amendments to Bills for private members of Parliament, replacing the WA Parliament’s previous arrangement with a private sector lawyer to undertake this work. This has resulted in a more efficient and timely service for members of the WA Parliament without impacting adversely on the Government’s legislative program. At a national level, Mr Munyard has represented the WA PCO on the Australasian Parliamentary Counsel’s Committee, which consists of the heads of the drafting offices of all Australian jurisdictions and of New Zealand, manages the drafting of national uniform legislation for Australia, and provides a forum for the exchange of information about legislative drafting and the management of drafting offices.

Mr Gregory Keith TREVASKIS
Subiaco WA 6008
For outstanding public service to local government in Western Australia, and to the community.

Mr Trevaskis has spent 39 years in local government in Australia, with 32 of those years as CEO of councils in Western Australia, Victoria and New South Wales. His career has been defined by providing outstanding service to the communities in which he has served. His current position is as CEO of the City of Nedlands, an inner metropolitan council in the western suburbs of Perth, which contains prime residential estates, expansive parks and tree-lined streets. He took on the position during difficult times in local government in Western Australia and played a major role in bringing the CEOs and mayors of many other local governments in the Perth metropolitan area together to discuss the issues surrounding the WA Government’s reform program. From 2002 to 2010 he was CEO at the City of Bunbury, one of Australia’s top 5 fastest urban growth centres. It is considered the capital and commercial hub of the south-west region of WA, and includes the major tourist region of Margaret River and surrounding wine growing region. From 1995 until 2002 he was General Manager of the Greater Taree City Council on the mid-north coast of NSW. Taree. In 1994 he was interim CEO of the City of Warnambool in Victoria, and in this position assisted commissioners in the formation of a new council entity following a state-wide municipal restructure. From 1987 to 1994, he was CEO of the City of Portland, and from 1983 until 1987 he was Shire Secretary of the Shire of Daylesford and Glenlyon in Victoria. At the City of Nedlands he has been instrumental in introducing IT improvements throughout the area, including conversion to VoIP, public Wi-Fi, and cloud storage. a new records management system and automation in parks reticulation. The IT improvement program also sought to support remote and/or disadvantaged rural local governments through access to the City’s VOIP, cloud storage and records management system. He introduced Integrated Strategic Planning which resulted in the development of the City’s Corporate Business Plan and Strategic Community Plan for the period 2013-2023. The Plan was extremely well-received by the community it serves, and provides a practical framework for council staff to deliver services to the community. The City of Bunbury gained national recognition as a significant growth centre, attracting many millions of dollars in state and Commonwealth funding, while he was CEO there. This funding helped in delivering a large capital works program and under his stewardship major projects were undertaken including the $12 million new administration centre in 2006, an $11m aquatic centre in 2003, a council business park worth $10m, a 600 lot residential land development, a regional library and a regional athletics track. Under his management, the City of Bunbury’s investments were protected from international global financial events in 2008. Mr Trevaskis has continuously worked for the best results for communities both in Western Australia and across the nation.

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