National agenda setting, AI and finances front of mind for top mandarins

By Melissa Coade

March 21, 2024

Glyn Davis
Professor Glyn Davis. (AAP Image/Alan Porritt)

The powerful secretaries board has this month discussed public sector finances, Closing the Gap, and other major issues involving the federal bureaucracy and its partners in other jurisdictions.

A published communique from the March 14 meeting revealed PM&C boss Glyn Davis addressed the secretaries on pressing commonwealth-state matters with cross-portfolio reach.

Among the top priorities was the remote Australia framework to ensure federal agencies can pursue strategies tailored to the specific needs of First Nations peoples living in remote Australia, and reaching Closing the Gap Priority Reforms in remote parts of the country.

Part of the discussions was with a view to eventually formulating a response to the productivity commission’s three-yearly review of the national agreement on Closing the Gap.

“The board received an update on Closing the Gap, including recent key milestones and priorities for 2024, and agreed to regular review by the Board on actions to progress Closing the Gap,” the communique read.

Professor Davis also led discussions on current governance arrangements and coordination of commonwealth investments, as well as how departments could achieve public sector finance resilience.

Treasury’s Dr Steven Kennedy and Finance boss Jenny Wilkinson also gave an economic and Budget update.

Meanwhile, DFAT secretary Jan Adams and Defence secretary Greg Moriarty furnished the group with a geostrategic update.

The latest from the AI in Government Taskforce was addressed by DISR secretary Meghan Quinn and DTA CEO Chris Fechner.

Lessons on AI were also shared by APS commissioner Gordon de Brouwer, who spoke to information he garnered from the Global Government Leaders’ Forum earlier this year.

“[They] discussed implications of AI, including how to leverage the opportunities, manage the risks and build capability within the APS,” the communique read.

On APS workforce issues, the board endorsed a new employment strategy for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) talent to be presented for ministerial consideration.

“The plan provides a platform of five headline actions for building cultural understanding and capability across the APS, and cultural safety for CALD employees,” the communique read.

The group also received one of two annual updates from the COO Committee, canvassing the committee’s updated terms of reference and strategic priorities for 2024.

The secretaries board met last week and will be due to convene again on April 10.


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