Utopia S5 E4 recap: The rain in Spain

By Anna Macdonald

June 29, 2023

Utopia S5: E4
Jim pressures Tony over an inland rail tunnel tender while Nat deals with an overqualified underling. (Jospeh Lew/Private Media)

Spoilers ahead for the fourth episode of Utopia’s fifth season.

This week, in “Tunnel Vision”, government liaison Jim lives out his spy movie fantasy over an inland tunnel tender, Nat deals with an overambitious underling and some high school students investigate clean energy claims better than the fourth estate.

The episode opens with Jim asking about a tender to build an inland fast rail tunnel. It’s a far cry from last week, when he was constantly missing.

Despite the Canadians pulling out of the tender, Tony’s confident the tender is going fine. Jim’s a little bit too interested in what’s going on. Something’s afoot.

Meanwhile, Beverley has informed Nat she’s selected her new executive assistant: Carla.

Nat spots an immediate problem: Carla’s vastly overqualified for the role, with expertise in governance and stakeholder engagement. Unsurprisingly, Beverley sees no problem.

Rhonda’s introducing a trio of high school students. As a result of winning a parliamentary prize for environmental studies, the students get to hang around the NBA for a week.

A trio of eager high school students

The plan was for Rhonda to show them around but she disappears before the tour gets underway. Looks like the NBA will have to keep the trio entertained for the week.

Tony’s been having issues with spreadsheets. They’ve all been kept to one colour shade and, therefore, essentially useless.

“I need a spreadsheet, not a pride flag,” Tony says.

Carla’s started. Immediately, she’s asking about organisational flows. The only trouble is, she’s asking Tony, not Nat. Not off to a great start on her first day.

Carla asking Tony about references

Tony meets the high school students. Unwittingly, he gets handed each of their essays on Australia’s transition to renewable energy. Looks like Tony’s got homework.

Jim’s back, making Tony give his devices to executive assistant Katie and covering up his webcam with a piece of Post-it.

It crystallises why Jim’s so interested in this tender — China’s a mile ahead in cost and construction timeline, to Jim’s annoyance.

But no decision has been made yet. Tony’s got to keep Jim updated, but only on Signal and using the codeword “falcon”.

The students are watching a doco on their desalination plants. Except, whoops, it’s not a doco — it’s a Four Corners expose on white elephants. Best get them out there quickly.

The students are pulled into Tony’s office to ask him questions — such as pre-combustion carbon capture. Tony’s out of his depth, trying to search on his laptop while talking.

The minister has popped in but Nat’s meeting with him is superseded by Carla, who is more than happy to write up a policy proposal on corporate social responsibility (CSR). Nat’s seeing red.

Tony’s facing a grilling from the students. How can a hydro plant be green energy if it’s powered by coal-powered electricity?

Nat tells Carla off. After all, she doesn’t report to the minister or Tony; she reports to Nat.

Tony’s been summoned for project Falcon: head of security Brian is even sweeping for bugs.

Tony’s late-night or early-morning encounters in the office

Jim’s not happy that Tony insists it’s China with the best bid for the tender.

His paranoia about being spied on extends to loudly exclaiming he is NOT saying no to China — all while writing NO CHINA on a Post-it, which he promptly eats.

Tony eats the Post-it about 30 seconds later

Nat apologises to Carla if she was curt with her. Carla happily takes that on board. Quickly, however, she points out an issue with the mission statement — it’s reading more like a vision statement.

The students have Brian in a worry now. The NBA might be mixing its recyclables and general wastes.

Tony foisters them onto Scott, but not before recommending some homework, including the AEMO’s latest reports and a couple of YouTube videos.

Jim’s truly living out his neo-noir spy thriller fantasy — he’s got Tony meeting him in a darkened carpark, very Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.

Tony’s adamant China’s got the best deal for the tender — he’s after the best deal for the taxpayer. Spain is $1 billion more. Jim’s confident then can haggle with Spain — they’re Spanish.

Scott’s in the hot seat with the students on a field trip to solar panels. Courtney’s luckily there to quickly look things up on her phone and pass them along.

Courtney’s Googling on solar panels

Back to the office: Carla has taken over a pod as her office to work on the CSR framework and rework the mission statement.

A twist: Beverley comes in and reveals she’s been mentoring Carla. Ah, it all starts to make a lot more sense.

Tony and Scott now have Spain on the phone. They ask what they would do if there were another offer for $1 billion less. The Spanish advice? Take it.

Jim’s managed to sneak onto the call, offering mate’s rates like deals with the union and loosening environmental requirements to sweeten the pot.

Beverley tells Nat she’s concerned about Carla taking on more responsibilities. She suggests Carla needs her own assistant – perhaps reassign Ash?

In other words, Carla, who was meant to be Nat’s assistant, would not only no longer be Nat’s assistant but take an assistant away from her.

Meanwhile, Carla’s set up a CSR taskforce, further rankling Nat.

Tony’s met up with someone from Defence to discuss security issues about the tenders. Surprise, China’s completely fine.

There’s no way it could be used for intelligence — the tunnel only goes to fields growing products the Chinese are currently boycotting.

However, Spain does raise security concerns.

Tony’s now meeting a disguised Jim in a park — it’s getting slightly ridiculous.

Jim incognito

Jim suggests Australia builds the tunnel itself using a non-existent industry but keeps nervous when he spots a balloon above, referencing the Chinese spy balloons.

Good news for Nat — Carla’s been seconded by the minister. Really, Carla did nothing wrong. She truly girl-bossed her way to the top.

Queen Carla came, saw and conquered

The students are finally leaving. Coincidentally, Rhonda is coming back as well — the following day.

Jim’s putting pressure on Tony to pick Spain.

Is $1 billion worth it to avoid a couple of days of bad press and a diplomatic tiff? Tony asks.

It turns out yes, as revealed by ABC News at the end of the episode.

In the post-credits scene, the students send Tony a thank you card, including follow-up questions.

And Tony’s finally able to get a spreadsheet in black and white — scratch that, make it shades of grey.

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