Utopia S5 E3 recap: Promises, promises, promises

By Anna Macdonald

June 22, 2023

Recapping the third episode of Utopia’s fifth season, ‘The Promise Land’. (Joseph Lew/Private MEdia)

Spoilers ahead for the third episode of Utopia’s fifth season, ‘The Promise Land’.

This episode sees the NBA (or the BBA, but more on that later) deal with getting those darn politicians to follow through on an election promise, respect in the workplace training interfering with a blossoming office romance, and a campaign for a meatless office.

Election day has just happened, with CEO Tony excited about a key election promise: the NBA will become completely independent, with no political interference. He needs government liaison Jim to get back to him.

What could go wrong?

Jonathan, a new contractor, starts in the office to help with financial systems and controls. Jonathan’s primary personality trait is that he’s hot. His secondary personality trait is that he’s nice, so he’s the perfect romantic interest.

Case-in-point: there’s a moment between COO Nat and Jonathan where she helps him remove his lanyard. Starting to get hints we might see an office romance bloom.

Finally, lanyard-based flirting gets the representation it deserves

In the meeting, Tony cheerfully tells the team the NBA is going to be independent.

To explain to his confused colleagues, Tony tells them to think of the RBA.

“They meet on Tuesday,” Katie says.

“They got inflation wrong,” Scotty says.

Jonathan gets it right with the Reserve Bank’s independence, and Utopia fulfils its joke at the expense of the RBA.

Head of HR Beverley returns this episode (cue ominous drums), this time to do one hour of respect in the workplace training each day.

Jim finally returns Tony’s repeated calls, with Jim confused that Tony actually wants them to act on an election promise.

“Now what? We won,” Jim says.

“Yeah, and …” Tony says.

“We do a victory lap!”

“No — we have to act on it.”

Nat, meantime, while giving Jonathan her old laptop featuring a John Legend wallpaper, takes it off him to get the machine wiped, and their hands touch.

Nat also lets him know he does not have to sit in on the Beverley training. However, Jonathan says he would like to, to spend more time with her. Spicy.

Tony manages to sidle out of the workplace training with Beverley. The key seems to be to say “respectfully” a lot.

Recovering from the election weekend, Rhonda pops in. She’s got good news (nothing about the NBA’s independence): Rhonda’s convinced the AFR to put Tony on the Power List.

Rhonda quickly paints the picture of Tony — drawn to the ocean (he owns a surfboard) and drawn to the desert (he went to Dubai on a fact-finding mission). What does not make the cut, however, is Tony making his own olive oil, which is true.

Beverley is running through questions that might offend anyone in workplace-respect training.

Series villain Beverley from HR returns

“Where are you from?” is chosen as the example, with Ash asked as he has “lived experience”.

“Infrastructure,” Ash replies.

“Originally, Ash?” Beverley says.

“Education,” Ash says.

Rhonda’s yelling about the AFR article, getting so loud that Beverley has to close the door for the respect in the workplace training next door.

Beverley also reveals to her captive audience that you cannot ask a colleague about their personal life, much to Nat’s annoyance as she tries to get to know Jonathan better.

Nat does get to flirt with Jonathan later by telling him her printer login and password. Romance is not dead.

Tony’s yet again asking Jim about the NBA independent model on a video call. Every problem Jim points to has already been addressed — the legislation has been drafted, and the structure has been worked out.

The mysterious PM (who we’ve yet to see onscreen in Utopia) is juuuuust off to the side of Jim. A mystery to be solved another day, perhaps.

Jim from inside the mysterious PM’s office

At the respect in the workplace training, they’re still roleplaying scenarios. As part of the exercise, Jonathan asks Nat about getting a drink. HR is yet again getting in the way of true love.

Nat and Jonathan are picked to roleplay through several “inappropriate” scenarios: buying flowers, buying the other a drink at a bar, and going out to a restaurant.

Later, Ash reveals to Nat that Jonathan asked him if she had a partner. Of course, Ash followed the respectful workplace training and shut down the inappropriate conversation.

Tony’s gotten to the point where he’s drawn the new independent NBA structure for Jim, with Jim wanting at least a circle amongst the rectangles.

The situation comes to a physical tussle between the two adult men over the whiteboard pen.

Two grown adults tussle over office stationery

Jim comes back with a breakthrough — a complete reinvention of the NBA, including a new logo, mission statement and name — the Better Building Authority. Only, nothing about an independent structure.

I’ve written in my notes “Tony sad man” and I think that about sums it up.

Tony’s AFR interview goes ahead. The journo’s been told about the new name — obviously, Jim has given her the drop.

Rhonda’s sitting in on the interview, not letting Tony get a word in edgewise. He’s the “Bob the Better Builder”, according to the PR guru.

Rhonda’s reaction to Tony being asked about his olive oil making

Nat and Jonathan somehow manage to flirt over a module. Just when it seems they’ll be able to spend some time alone together by getting a banh mi, Ash decides to come with them on their little lunchtime jaunt. Rats.

Jim’s tackled the NBA’s new model — it’s morphed into a board, reporting to a governor who happens to also report to the PM. Tony’s not happy.

The new “independent” BBA model

Ash tells Nat he’s noticed Jonathan’s been flirting with her, with Nat telling Ash not to interfere. HR be damned, she’s going to get her date.

It’s the day of Tony’s AFR photoshoot. Turns out, owning a surfboard does not mean you can use one.

Tony’s on the record as an avid surfer

Jim’s got the details of the new NBA/BBA structure: an eight-person board and chair will be set up with only the best of the best. The catch? It’s for after the next election.

Six weeks later, the AFR power list has been published. Scotty lets Tony know the major overhaul of the NBA is mentioned.

“May still be a few years down the track, but for this surf-loving, olive-oil-producing vegan, it’s just another wave to ride,” Scotty reads out.

After the credits roll, Jim lets Tony know who will be on the new advisory board.

“Ex-party hacks, big donors, political pay-offs … the prime minister’s best man,” Tony says.

If you want to see how true to life that is, take a look at The Mandarin’s Movers & Shakers.

What did you think of this episode of Utopia? Let us know at media@themandarin.com.au.

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